- Doko
- 400Regular400Regular Italic600Bold600Bold Italic
KRWRegular Italic
2024Bold Italic -
ImpressiveBold Italic -
1946Regular - 400 RegularPolycarbonate400 Regular ItalicPolycarbonate600 BoldPolycarbonate600 Bold ItalicPolycarbonate
@ & { } ( ) [ ] . , : ; ! ? § / ¶ © ™ ° † $ € ¥
Bold Italic 60 px - Regular Italic 29 px
Un planeta exoplaneta es un planeta fuera del Sistema Solar. La primera confirmación de detección ocurrió en 1992. Al 1 de octubre de 2022, hay 5197 exoplanetas confirmados en 3833 sistemas planetarios, con 840 sistemas que tienen más de un planeta. Las afirmaciones de detecciones de exoplanetas se han hecho desde el siglo XIX. Algunos de los primeros involucran a la estrella binaria 70 Ophiuchi. En 1855, William Stephen Jacob, del Observatorio de Madrás de la Compañía de las Indias Orientales, informó que las anomalías orbitales hacían "altamente probable" que hubiera un "cuerpo planetario" en este sistema.
Bold Italic 29 pxUn planeta exoplaneta es un planeta fuera del Sistema Solar. La primera confirmación de detección ocurrió en 1992. Al 1 de octubre de 2022, hay 5197 exoplanetas confirmados en 3833 sistemas planetarios, con 840 sistemas que tienen más de un planeta. Las afirmaciones de detecciones de exoplanetas se han hecho desde el siglo XIX. Algunos de los primeros involucran a la estrella binaria 70 Ophiuchi. En 1855, William Stephen Jacob, del Observatorio de Madrás de la Compañía de las Indias Orientales, informó que las anomalías orbitales hacían "altamente probable" que hubiera un "cuerpo planetario" en este sistema.
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Regular Italic 50 px -
ThermodynamicsBold Italic - 600 BoldMetalic Alloy400 Regular ItalicChemical Composition600 Bold ItalicHigh-Quality Steel Production400 Regular ItalicMeticulously crafted products tailored to meet
the exacting requirements of various industries. -
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Bold Italic 100 px -
Bioengineered nightmares roam the fractured skyline, while echoes of a forgotten world whisper despair.
Regular 50 px Doko used in Febio Fest 2014, 2014.
Discretionary Ligatures Regularnicklenickle
ImaginationBold -
Regular Italic
- Regular 31 px
An exoplanet planet is a planet outside the Solar System. The first confirmation of detection occurred in 1992. As of 1 October 2022, there are 5,197 confirmed exoplanets in 3,833 planetary systems, with 840 systems having more than one planet. Claims of exoplanet detections have been made since the nineteenth century. Some of the earliest involve the binary star 70 Ophiuchi. In 1855 William Stephen Jacob at the East India Company’s Madras Observatory reported that orbital anomalies made it “highly probable” that there was a “planetary body” in this system.
Bold 31 pxAn exoplanet planet is a planet outside the Solar System. The first confirmation of detection occurred in 1992. As of 1 October 2022, there are 5,197 confirmed exoplanets in 3,833 planetary systems, with 840 systems having more than one planet. Claims of exoplanet detections have been made since the nineteenth century. Some of the earliest involve the binary star 70 Ophiuchi. In 1855 William Stephen Jacob at the East India Company’s Madras Observatory reported that orbital anomalies made it “highly probable” that there was a “planetary body” in this system.
Playful typeface with calligraphic features inspired by cartoons, illustration and lettering.
Doko is an elegant, expressive humanist serif typeface intended for versatile use consisting of 4 styles ranging from Regular to Bold including italics, with low contrast, natural width, and medium x-height.
Doko supports Basic Latin and Extended Latin and covers over 100 languages. With total of 479 glyphs, it includes the default set of proportional oldstyle figures along with proportional lining figures, tabular lining figures, tabular oldstyle figures, superscript figures, subscript figures, and fractions for advanced numerical setting. Additional features like stylistic set 1–3, standard ligatures, discretionary ligatures, and ordinals allow for further customization and versatility.
Doko is designed primarily for editorial design, inspired by cartoons, illustration and lettering. The design balances on the line between the expressiveness of display typefaces and the functionality of text faces, but performs equally well in both contexts. Doko initially started as a final project at Type and Media masters program at KABK The Hague.
Styles: | 4 |
Blocks: | Basic Latin, Extended Latin |
Languages: | 100 |
Glyphs: | 479 |
Figures: | Proportional Oldstyle (Default), Proportional Lining, Tabular Lining, Tabular Oldstyle, Superscript, Subscript, Fractions, Slashed Zero |
Features: | Stylistic Set 1–3, Standard Ligatures, Discretionary Ligatures, Ordinals |
Webfont: | 22.5 KB (Average size per style) |
Version: | 1.0 |
Copyright: | Doko, Ondrej Jób © 2011. All rights reserved. |
Release Date: | Jul 20 2011 |
Updated: | Sep 6 2024 |